November 14, 2012

Yep, We Were Cited For Keeping Exotic (wild) Animals!

We were caught!  If was official. This was serious! We were in big trouble! 

Within one week, we were served with an official notice posted on our gate, an official, (not friendly) phone call, and an official notice in the mailbox. The word "official" was stamped in red on each document.

It was required that within two weeks, we were to meet with the City Council Authorities and the County Animal Control officers in a closed door conference. 

The issue was that it had come to their attention that we were keeping exotic aka wild animals on our property.  Exotic to me means lions, tigers, bears and other terrifying beasts.

Really? ... to live with Royal?!

We were new to this area having sold our "big" farm to now live on a little farm in an equestrian community. This official city stuff was all new to us.

We were required to prepare our case before the officials, who naturally wore smart uniforms and over sized badges.

We were pretty sure we knew what animals lived on our farm, since we had to feed them.  But just to be sure, we made a thorough check of the barn, all turnouts, storage units, the hay barn and garage. We couldn't find one "exotic" animal, anywhere.

I had a small idea of what exactly might be alarming them, so I prepared my dissertation to present, knowing I was dealing with a major case of ignorance at City Hall.

So in hopes of winning my case, I contacted the State Department of Agriculture. I prefer going to the top dog in these departments and somehow managed to work my way up to their hiding places.  After presenting my case, they sent official documents to me which were of great help. 

Next I contacted the UC Davis Veterinary School. Soon more helpful documents arrived on my desk. 

Finally, I spoke with the California Fish and Game who stated this issue was absurd and more stacks of documents arrived.  I felt I was on my way. I felt prepared to face the uniforms and the badges.  

But one thing seemed missing. That old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words". I soon located exactly the photo that would bring them to their knees. (so to speak)

The day arrived and so did we.  Dressed in my business suit of prior years and caring my tattered briefcase, I was ready.

We were seated at a long table. I took the "power position" at the end of the table.  Hey, I'm fighting for my animals!  The officials spoke first ... firmly informing us that we had a time limit to remove "these dangerous animals" from our property.  

I quietly let each one have their say.

Finally, they referred to just what the animal it was they were concerned about.  My premonition was right, plus, we were the only ones in the county to have these creatures on our farm. 

At that moment, I opened my briefcase, took out the documents sent to me, which made a mighty stack on the table.  I told them the source of this information. I asked if they would like for me to read the information to them.  Of course, they didn't. 

Therefore, I passed around copies to each for their records.

Then I asked:
  1. Do you know anything about these animals?  NO
  2. Have you been around these animals?  NO
  3. Have you ever seen one of these animals? NO
I then presented the photograph.

The ohhh's and ahhh's where heard around the room.  I proceeded ... this is called an "Alpaca".

"They are not exotic, or wild animals.
They are quiet, non-destructive, do no harm to the earth with their feet ... and
are nature's peace lovers".

The case was closed.  But not for me. This was a city issue. I requested to make a presentation at the following meeting of the full City Council in front of residents in attendance for other issues.

Prepared with my speech and brochures for all present, I spoke to the entire room about the advantages of having alpacas. Having raised alpacas for nearly 20 years, this was the best commercial presentation that ever fell into my hands.

Even though this all took place some years ago, the memory remains vivid in my mind.

Needless to say, we still have a few of our wild, exotic alpacas humming their way around our hillside. Sometimes, life is just too great!  

However, there is a Chapter Two to the City Hall saga. Oh, yah!


  1. Oh, you have got to be KIDDING!!! Yeesh...

  2. Hi CSL,
    That was exactly my reaction! But that's City Hall for ya ... "city"! We were the only people in the "city" that had alpacas. Therefore, something was wrong. They knew horses, cats, dogs, but that was their limit. They know alpacas, now. :-)

  3. Ha! I love that you really stuck it the them and got the facts!

    1. Hi Allison,
      We haven't had anymore "fan mail" from the city, I will say that. :-)

  4. Great story! Crazy, though ;). Glad you still have some wild beasts roaming about :)

    1. Hi JJ,
      Crazy is right! We sure love having those "exotic" animals around.

  5. That picture of the alpaca in your husband's (?) arms is just too sweet. I never knew that keeping them was ever controversial anywhere. Glad you won that one and that you still have some of them..

    1. Hi Sallie,
      Thanks for your note! Amazing, isn't it. So glad to have those sweet, harmless, adorable wild animals around!

  6. Killers!!! I didn't realize you were a harborer of these vicious I know. p.s. were you an attorney in a former life??

    1. Hi C-ingspots,
      You're right, we are dangerous people with vicious animals!

      :-) I've been a lot of things in my former life. :-) When it comes to animals I'll become whatever it requires. Remember the starving horse? I was a night stalker for that situation, wore a black hoodie to feed the horse at midnight. You know how it is, we want the best for animals and don't hesitate to try our best to see they get it.

  7. Love! What an education for them - makes me think of a movie - Strawberry Lane Goes to City Hall. :)

    1. Hi Billie, It really was an education for them! Perhaps they could have checked a dictionary before citing us. But, hey, that's City Hall ! Clever you on that movie title. :-)

  8. Well this story certainly shows that you can fight city hall and win. Good for you for showing them the error of their ways. My first thought is always who would have complained. I'll bet they were flabbergasted when you showed up with all that documentation. Of course, they didn't want to read it all. A picture is worth a thousand words and your baby llama is adorable. So glad there are people like you and your husband who take the time to educate people about animals they have never seen or heard of before.

    1. Hi GHM,
      It seems if City Hall hasn't heard of something, it must be bad. This began when a new person was appointed with a new badge to check on animals and she looked over our fence. There is so much more to the story, perhaps I'll write Chapter 2.

  9. How sad that they could be so ignorant! What a sweet looking exotic animal...

    1. Hi Lori, It is too bad ignorance often hangs out in official places. We were the only people in the county with alpacas, so I suppose I should give them a break. However, maybe not, they could have gone to the library. Oh, well ...

  10. It's amazing how city halls across the country get all bent out of shape when one person reports something and they decide to believe it instead of finding out the facts before they move ahead (and waste time and money). (Stuff like that happens over here, too, though not with farm animals.) I'm glad you were so prepared!

    Another note...whatever became of the horse you rescued a couple years back?

  11. Hi Detroit Dog,
    City Hall ... amazing is right.

    How nice of you to ask about little Joey. I'm getting ready to write about him. Thanks MUCH for thinking of him!

  12. For keeping ALPACAS?!?!!? Really???

    1. Right! Actually, they knew nothing about them. We were the only people in the county that had them. (poor excuse for them)

  13. Great story. Nice to hear about common sense and really cute pictures of fuzzy baby animals carrying the day for once. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Hi Robin,
      You are so right about cute photos helping to win. It's still amazing they didn't know this animal.


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