December 2, 2012

What Kind Of Goose Is That?

A goose question was sent my way from Sheep Mom over at Knee Deep in Sheep.  In the event anyone else is curious, I'm re-posting the photo of this boy along with the information.

Sheep Mom asked: This is a very regal goose! What breed is he?
This is a Chinese Goose.  

Ashton Waterfowl does a better job of describing these geese than I ever could. I'd require several chapters to tell you everything this goose does. I will add that they are incredible guard geese.

Here is the basic info about them:
he Chinese is one of the most popular and well known breeds of domestic goose. Unofficially, there are two kinds of Chinese geese: those that hate the world and everything that moves within it, and those which have to be picked up and carried to their shed. They are so tame that they prefer to stand around your feet and won't be driven. The sort you end up with depends partly on the strain, but mainly on how you rear them and treat them. They can be wonderful watchdogs - tame and real pets with their owners, but noisy when anything unusual is around.

Chinas are the most responsive goslings - speak to them and they cannot resist shouting back. Pick them up, give them attention, and they will be tame pets for life.   



  1. Little did I know...thanks for sharing.

  2. PS - rest easy! I don't do chores until 7:30am. You must be thinking in terms of West Coast time.

  3. What a beautiful goose - or should I say handsome? :) We have only the wild birds here but I am very attached to them, especially the crows. Over the years they have gone from being very shy to being very bold and comfortable with me being close to them. Would love to have a pond and water fowl - there is something so peaceful about watching birds swim.

  4. Oh he IS a regal boy! His white is so white and his markings are so defined. So handsome!

  5. Wow, that was interesting -- and he is a very handsome goose. So which kind do you have, the haters or the cuddlers?

    1. Hi Sallie,
      Well, the goose in the photo is not real keen on the cuddle stuff. However, he is one terrific guard goose.

      The most affectionate geese we've ever had are the Canada geese raised from babies. Amazing!


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