January 6, 2013

A "Charlie" Moment

It's official. Charlie is the greeter in this household. 

He doesn't jump on people, but given the chance he does make sure everyone is welcome here.

My friend (in the red sweater) was here to visit from North Carolina.  We were chatting by the fireplace when Charlie came to contribute to the conversation.

Have I mentioned how great this dog is?

He is so good with everyone and everything. He is always the perfect companion to whatever creature we add to the family.

He entertains us ... keeps us company, takes us for walks, helps around the barn, checks up on Royal, rules at Home Depot, likes the same TV programs that we like.  And he's handsome.

Have I mentioned how much we love this dog?

'Twas a lucky day when we checked the Golden Retriever Rescue website and found this perfect boy just waiting for us to discover him.  What a gift he is!

Just a minute, I'll be right back.  I've got to go hug that dog, again!


  1. Awwww, that's adorable. I saw a Golden Retriever walking a couple up our street the other day and couldn't help but notice what a nice demeanor he had. I'm so used to wild, untrained dogs that I worked with at the animal shelter. They all jumped on me and pulled on their leashes, but this Golden was off leash and being so considerate of everyone and everything around him. I guess they weren't worried about him taking off after rabbits like my dogs do.

    1. Hi Nuzzling Muzzles, Goldens seem to have the secret to peaceful living. Since you worked at the shelter, I'm sure you saw the sorry results of people that don't love/train their dogs. Breaks my heart.

  2. He sounds like a very special dog. Ours are special too, but in a different way!

    1. I remember your dogs. Special is right.Isn't it amazing how important they are in our lives.

  3. Charlie is in a good place....sweet boy. Love your fireplace.

    1. I know how your love your fireplace. There's nothing like an evening before the fire. (or morning)

  4. So cute! My Cooper will sit like that too :)

    1. Cooper and Charlie sure have our number about doing those cute things!

  5. That's the difference between Goldens and border collies. Tanner only talks to people if they come bearing frisbees:)

    1. Too funny! Tanner knows being a Border Collie, he's smarter than the average bear.

  6. Charlie is a ver special guy and so handsome too! We had a golden once (Buck) and he was so sweet and lovable. Someone actually stole him from our back yard. Sadly we never got him back. I miss him. My son has a Golden (Jackson) he is sweet too, especially with the baby and his older brother. Now I want to give Charlie a hug too.

    1. Oh, my, Buck was stolen?! How dreadful ... a real heartbreak. Ahhh, Jackson is a babysitter. How sweet!

  7. How cute is that dog? I also love the concept of a real fire in the house - perfect for cold winter days.

  8. Hi Stephen, You're right! Nothing like the real thing, both warm and comfortable.

  9. Aww! I love stories like this. Our dogs are so very special and often make life bearable. Charlie sounds positively wonderful!


  10. Hi LOR! Aren't dogs just the greatest!

  11. I dont have a dog but I do have barn cats and my 12 year old B&W barn cat recently got pneumonia and I moved him inside, thought I was gonna lose him (he always wanted to be an inside cat!) but he has rallied and is now in his second kittenhood. He is racing around the house like a mad thing, playing with anything that moves or doesnt move for that matter, makes me smile!! LOL. Guess he got his wish after all and he is so happy which makes me happy.
    I love the real fire and fireplace looks so warm and cozy.

    1. Hi Lori,
      Lucky barn cat. He has a new life and is loving it! How great!

  12. There is nothing like the unconditional love from an animal! Wonderful!

    1. Hi Catherine,
      How true. We have so much to learn from them.

  13. Not only is he handsome and wonderful-but he needed a special home and he hit the jackpot!! What a wonderful gift to both of you :) I love his greeting style!

    1. Hi Dream Valley, Charlie says thanks for the "handsome" and "wonderful". You're right ... we both lucky. Match made in Heaven.

  14. what a sweet pup! Looks like you all had a great visit!~

    1. Hi Heather. Thanks for stopping by. I visited your site. It is so interesting about Scandinavian things, one of my favorite topics.


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