Harry is in charge of the "feel good" department. He is one very big love bug that manages to keep just about everybody happy.
He sure makes my day !
As Harmony tell it ...
Here I am, snug as a bug in my new home. I didn't arrive here by accident, you know. It took planning.
I live in North Carolina with Roger and Jean,
my mom and dad.
They are both musicians...
and named me ... Harmony ! My parent's have a friend in California.
She is writing this for me.
So that means I'm a ... cyber pup!
We decided it was time for a little adventure away from the farm. The hay barn was full, which means the truck from the local feed store had just delivered and stacked about 60 bales of hay.
You see, we don't exactly have a North 40 or even a South 40 around here. So, cultivating and cutting hay isn't something we can do or know how to do, even though we sometimes think that might be terrific, especially if we had two beautiful black Percherons to help us. (but you've already heard about that fantasy ... click here for a little reminder.)
So, with all the feeders, water bowls, cat dishes, dog bowls filled and the horses turned out ... we were on our way along the Pacific Coast Highway to one of our favorite places ... Balboa Island.
After the usual drive-around to see the old time cottages, we were off to the ferry dock. It's a tradition around here. It takes about ten minutes on the ferry boat to go to the "other side" ... where all the fun stuff is.
Along the way we can see the once endangered California Brown Pelicans, who fancy sitting on docks and taking delight in selecting the most expensive boats that are moored in the harbor for their sun bathing perches.
Lucy much prefers history books. Certaily not historical novels, but books that are well documented and filled with ... foot notes. (mostly hers)
One of these days, Lucy could very well become a book, herself.
She grew up with Kayla and quite fancies herself to be a dog. It is rather ordinary to see her following the dog through the barn, into the horse corrals, up the hill and into the gardens.
When everyone has gone in the house she struts from one door to the other. Eventually, she settles down to just being a dedicated ... window peek-er.
Probably her greatest pleasure is being carried around the yard, next to reading history books, that is.
She's somethin'. There's even more about Lucy ... here.
We spent a great deal of time at the drawing board designing the perfect ... hen house. Plenty of room, plenty of nest boxes, just the right amount of light and fresh air. Seemed pretty spiffy to us.
Hummm ... was this an opinion of our architectural skills? Was the hen house the wrong style? Did they prefer English Tudor?
So, we rounded up the girls and had a little conference. They were given some time-out in their quarters for a few days. I mean, Easter is one thing with this egg hunt business, but everyday?
They got the idea. Now, they are agreeable to laying eggs in the proper place.
What a relief. We weren't exactly looking forward to building another chicken house.
Kirk and Royal heading back to the barn.
This guy was born in a saddle and there's not a happier pair than these two boys out on the trail early in the morning.
This former movie star reminds me of Clint Eastwood on some days and Gregory Peck on another. It's really quite confusing.
The only way to tell is to check the riding boots ... are they cowboy boots or the high English knee boots?
Whatever, he sits tall in the saddle and always has one big smile when heading down the trail.