It seems that while I’ve been reading all the interesting “Me-Me Tag” lists which other people have written ... I’ve been tagged 4 times, humm ... or was it 5?
Here’s the deal. If you are tagged, you are to write 7 unknown details about yourself.
The rules of the game are this:
Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you. Then tag 7 people and link to them. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Now, I would like to express my profound appreciation to my "very dear friends" who tagged me. Ummm ... thanks. Be sure to check them out (and keep an eye on them.) They are: Scary's West, Teachings of the Horse, Regarding Horses, and Mud Ranch. (sorry if I missed anyone). Two tags were to Simply Marvelous, but were sent over here since she doesn’t talk much. I’m not sure I can come up with 7 things ...four times. However, I am sure no one wants to read 28 things about yours truly. But ... here goes:

List of 7 things for: Scary's West 1. Ok, I’ll just jump right in and get it over with: I wore hot pants, knee boots and long hair to my waist during my senile years. (Oh, stop laughing, it was”groovy”, then.) 2. I’d rather clean the barn than the house. Any cobwebs scattered around the house are from Halloween. They might be there next year, as well. 3. I worked at Paramount Studios, took my sister to lunch at the commissary. She swears Tom Hanks was making eyes at her. 4. I have sweaters from my high school days and still wear them. 5. I hurried off to a big horse show once, wandered into the wrong building, there was a horse sale going on, bought a horse, never got to the horse show.
6. I have English hunt prints on the walls of the barn stalls. We have no cribbers. Looks mighty spiffy.
7. I love convertibles, but never put the top down.
List of 7 things for: Teachings of the Horse
1. I live in Southern California, but would rather live in New England or Virginia or wherever I can have a big farm with lots of trees and green and can collect horses.
2. I’m still upset “Babe” didn’t win the Oscar.
3. I came home on the final voyage of the Queen Mary sailing from France. I was a young music student in Paris. No, I am not ancient.
4. Refrigerators are not my friend. I’d rather do windows.
5. I’m a professional musician, started piano at age 3, gave first recital at age 6, performed in Europe, made recordings and (tah-dah) got paid doing this.
6. I gave my kids the “Jungle Book” video/DVD for Christmas this year. They are adults, but it was a “mom” thing.
7. I collect cook books, old and new, but don’t like to cook. Love reading cooking blogs. Have thrown dinner parties. So far, people have survived, everyone except me.
List of 7 things for: Regarding Horses1. I get restless when not remodeling or at least tearing something up or down, whatever the case may be.2. I still can’t part with my very high heels.
3. While in Spain, I accidentally wandered into a silent monastery, was amazed how friendly they were as they wildly waved their arms at me. I was quickly shown the gate.
4. I'm somewhat of a fashion setter. I select outfits that go with my paddock boots.
5. I went skiing in Colorado, but had more fun hanging out by the fireplace.
6. I make lists for everything and then spend time looking for them.
7. I married the greatest guy in the world. I immediately hung a “taken” sign around his neck. It’s still there. He's a keeper.
~~~Yehhhh... that's 28 things!
If any of you are still around,
you deserve some kind of badge of courage.
I’ll be back.
It could be ... you!