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Now really, who could resist this face?
It is for sure we weren't planning on a semi-puppy and definitely not a male.

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We knew that a home is not a home without a Golden girl in front of the fireplace or at our feet.
So, we contacted our friend at the Golden Retriever Rescue of Los Angles. She had found Kayla for us years, ago. I asked her to find us a mature girl that could warm our hearts and dry our eyes ... one that was calm and experienced in the manners department, like Kayla.
I spent morning, noon and night on the rescue website looking at all the dogs that needed homes, each one irrestible in their own way, but requiring a particular family. Some needed children, some a swimming pool, (got that right) and some just wanted to spend their days resting on the couch.
Carole told me to be patient, that the right girl would eventually come along.
It was late one night when I clicked the rescue site, again. And there was that face ... a young dog or older puppy, whatever, it's all the same ... and it was a male. I grabbed the phone, called my friend and said, I must see that dog!
Carole said ... but, that's not what you are looking for.
Eight o'clock the next morning we were at the kennel hugging the most adorable big boy I'd ever seen.
Since he was so incredibly handsome and had been found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, I called him the "down and out in Beverly Hills", kid.
After signing the official adoption papers, Charlie was on the way home and our new life began. We were about to be owned by another Golden Retriever.
We were soon off to the dog park ...

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Charlie carefully looked over
his potential romping friends.

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And the race was on ...

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He enthusiastically gave each new toy
his undivided attention.
He figured anything went in this household,
considering what the cats did to the chair.
This place was great!

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Charlie's favorite toy was ...
a Canada goose.
(humm... just like the ones in the
backyard that are just for viewing)
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Yep ... Charlie was liking it here!

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It felt ... just like home.
Charlie is a keeper ... he makes us feel young.
I can highly recommend this form of exercise. It keeps you healthy, saves on those membership fees at the gym and it sure makes you happy.
And ... while I'm at it, let me say that nothing warms the heart more than giving a warm hearth to a homeless dog.
Try it! You'll love every minute you look into their eyes. They are always saying ... thank you.